Donald Trump is sweating bullets

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This is the type of story that just makes one break out in smiles. According to reports, Donald Trump and his wretched pose are becoming increasingly shaken up. Trump’s close aides are sweating bullets. Why? Because Jack Smith isn’t afraid of them.

MSNBC’s “Way too early,” host Jonathan Lemire says Trump aides are “beside themselves.” And they’re beside themselves because none of the familiar intimidation tactics they’ve used on others appear to be working on Jack Smith.

“There is a real concern” he explained. “This is something the former president and his inner circle have been worried about for a while.”

“He is someone who seems immune to what their typical playbook is.”

“That just hasn’t worked.”

Indeed it hasn’t. So wait a minute now! Trump and his allies are mad because they cannot intimidate the special prosecutor. How stupid are they? Jack Smith is a man who has prosecuted war crimes! He isn’t going to be intimidated by a bunch of bumbling, incompetent Trump worshipers. Please, Trump sycophants, please TRY to see reality.

And if anyone is intimidated, it is donald trump. Remember the stare. That smoldering stare Jack Smith gave Donald Trump reduced him to a squealing piggish mess. Smith does psychological warfare much better than Trump ever in a million years could. He’s a hunter seeking his quarry, and he isn’t about to let a little thing like an orange mass of dead brain cells stop HIM from doing for his work.

Lemire continued, “They didn’t expect all that’s happened at this point.” He also added the Trump motley crew is deeply concerned about an indictment perhaps coming out of Georgia, which it will.

So what a delightful story to start the weekend off with! Donald Trump fears Jack Smith. He fears his determination, his intelligence, and his work ethic. But I think trump fears most of all that unending and level-headed stare — the Jack Smith stare, that even though the two are not in the same room anymore, Trump surely must be haunted by.

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