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Reportedly aides to Republican Presidential campaigns for people other than Trump are getting alarmed. Why? Because some of these aides feel their candidates are not attacking Trump hard enough. They’re not using this moment to take Trump out of the running. And they’re speaking out about it.

Reportedly they’re piling on the pressure and all but begging their candidates to let Trump have it. “None of them are taking that advice,” said one campaign operative. Why not? They’re afraid of Trump’s base.

I must say this: CHICKENS! I am so bloody tired of hearing about Republican fears and phobias. Grow a pair already! Fight for what you want! They don’t seem to remember how. Instead of fighting, they are making tentative, lame little statements. For example, Haley said she’d consider pardoning Trump. Yeah, that’ll get you about one extra vote, Haley. Maybe.

It’s annoying to no end that we are surrounded by a trembling band of cowards. How will any Republican stand up to Putin if they can’t stand up to one orange traitor? HOW will any of them look a dictator from another country in the eye when they cannot even meet the gaze of our own dictator?

It’s an atrocity. I think any candidate who is reduced to mush at the thought of Trump’s base should immediately quit the race. It’s infuriating. GROW A PAIR, REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES. Stop hiding from him. Stop (noticeably) cringing every time you’re asked for your thoughts on the matter. Show some damn backbone, or get out of the race.

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