The verdict is in

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The verdict is in, and it’s guilty. Friends and readers, I’ve been doing my homework. Since Trump’s indictment was unsealed, I have watched almost every political news show that exists on every station but Fox (Yes, I even turned on CNN for a bit!)

I watched EVERY pundit, every guest (except Trump’s former lawyers) The verdict? This is bad for Donald Trump. EVERYONE is in agreement that this indictment is terrible news for him — bad, bad news. I watched Republicans. I watched Democrats. I watched show after show after show. NOBODY defended him. NOBODY said this was easy, breezy. Not. One. Person.

It’s good they’re at least telling the truth about that. And please wipe the “ballad of Aileen cannon” from your minds. As Bill Palmer says, it isn’t a thing, and it isn’t much to worry about.

But Trump should worry. Watching these segments, I was amazed at the utter lack of support Trump had. EVERYONE said the same words, perhaps a version of the words, but the message was out nonetheless. “You’re screwed Donald Trump.”

It was truly extraordinary to see. Jack Smith put together such a flawless indictment that literally nobody on television could even attempt to say the usual talking point of “Well, it’s not that bad…”

I did not hear one say that. The person who should really be worried is Donald Trump. You know it’s bad when nobody — absolutely nobody is even bothering to come to your aid.

Palmer Report needs your help! If each of you reading this can kick in $10 or $25, it'll help keep us firing on all cylinders at this crucial time in our nation's history: Donate now via PayPal or GoFundMe