Mutiny in the House

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Never underestimate the ability of monsters to bring about imminent doom when they’re pissed off. And that is what has arrived in the US. House of Representatives this week. Doom. Anger. And vengeance.

A small but VERY enraged group of Republicans — (I’m not sure what to call them, but “lawmakers” is certainly not right — how about trolls?) has decided to wreak havoc in the House because their fee-fees are hurt that Kevin McCarthy made a deal with President Biden regarding the debt ceiling.

Now these monsters get triggered only at certain times. It usually happens when shit gets done and competence enters the room. These monsters do not like competence and sanity. It throws them off their monster game.

So in the spirit of chaos, this small group of fools has deliberately sought to delay business from getting done on the house floor. It’s mutiny in the house! It started on Tuesday when nearly a dozen members blocked a House rule, which was to set the table for debate on a GOP Bill.

Reportedly McCarthy was blind-sighted. And as of Wednesday, this standoff was still going on. This small group of monsters is essentially striking because they’re pissed that things in the country are going too well.

The hair challenged Matt Gaetz is one such member. And he tweeted this: “House leadership couldn’t hold the line. Now we hold the floor.” How brilliantly intellectual those words are! (sarcasm.) “Hold the floor” was tweeted by other crazies such as Lauren Boebert.

There are also whispers that Kevin could be in danger of losing his Speaker-ship. Actually, there have been lots of whispers like that. Remember. Palmer Report said from the beginning that Kevin had effectively given away his soul and that something like this would happen. Let’s take back the House in 2024 people, and stop the madness!

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