CNN hits a whole new low

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There are some stories that just demand to be written about. These stories are sometimes humiliating, for the subject about whom the story is written. And this story certainly follows that pattern.

It’s about CNN. Ah, CNN — they’ve been humiliated a lot lately, haven’t they? I would most definitely NOT want to be a CNN employee right now.

But that’s what happens when incompetent CEO’s come on board. The boat tips over.

So yes, CNN has lost in the ratings again, tumbling downward off their cliff and landing on a big number four — fourth place in the ratings.

So who beat CNN for the third place? Who could possibly have humiliated CNN like this?

Here are a couple of hints. He’s unlikeable. He’s in Congress and is a Republican. He was investigated by the FBI for possibly having relations with underage girls. And his hair resembles, in part, a weapon of mass destruction.

If you guessed Matt Gaetz, congratulations! You’d be correct.

Last Friday, Mr. Gaetz debuted as a NewsMax guest host. You read that right.

It seems our obnoxious Gaetz fancies himself a television star.

And I’m sure his ego did swell a bit. Because the ratings are in. And Matt Gaetz — beat out Anderson Cooper on Friday night.

And another thing. Gaetz got only 282,000 viewers. That should tell you how low CNN’s ratings are.

CNN’s “The whole story with Anderson Cooper” got 249,000 viewers.

It appears people did indeed leave their silos — to change the channel.

If I were the CEO of CNN (and thank goodness I’m not), I’d scratch EVERYTHING and start at the beginning. Rehire some old faces. Hire some new faces. Build a glowing bench of talent. Tell the truth. See how easy it is, CNN?

It does make one wonder whom CNN will lose to next. Anything is possible with Chris Licht at the helm.

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