No wonder Donald Trump is facing espionage charges

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It was the late 1700s. That was the time that a huge amount of Europeans had a strong phobia of tomatoes. This is because many thought that the tomato was poisonous — and that if high-ranking aristocrats took a bite — they would die.

Apples and fruit, in general, have been used to represent poison in both literature and in film. Even in ancient Greek mythology, there was the mythical use of fruit to ensnare and entrap people as they did Persephone, wife of Hades of the underworld. But poison is not always a substance — at least not metaphorically. And I wish to speak about a human poison. This is the poisonous rot found at Mar-a-lago — that is Donald Trump.

From the very beginning, when it was found Trump stole classified documents, I had one major fear that I did write about. That fear was this: what if Donald shared some or all of the documents with others? What if he even GAVE SOME AWAY OR SOLD SOME? With the human arsenic that is Trump, one never really knows, does one?

You see, what really brought me to the conviction that this possibly happened was by studying the past actions of Trump.

Past behavior can can be a wonderful way to figure out future actions. So many of us studied the Donald. We looked. We tried to imagine a scenario — any scenario where Donald Trump says to someone: No. I can’t do that. That’s going too far.”

I could not come up with even one scenario. And that is the true poison of Donald Trump. There is NO scenario, no cruel plot, no illegal act I could envision hime saying “no” to. Not one. And I am not alone. Thousands have said the same.

Trump has no ethical boundaries because he has no ethics. So it isn’t hyperbolic to think Trump might have done the worst thing one could possibly do. Sold documents. Ogled documents. Let OTHERS ogle them.

Blackmail, bribery — who knows. I should stress this is merely my opinion. But there is no doubt Mara-a-lago is filled with poison because it houses Donald Trump, and he is a lethal substance.

I’d love to be wrong on this one, but given all we know and given the leaks, which surely tell us a lot, and given the reports that Trump’s own lawyers are prepping him for charges and given so much more — I do think that Trump did something more with these documents then hide them.

I believe he poisoned the well with his carelessness and his dismissal of how preciously private these documents are. I shudder to think eyes of people not our allies may have feasted on very confidential words.

We will know very shortly at least some of what we need to know. I, for one, can’t wait. And though I’d like to be wrong on this one, knowing Trump, knowing the venom, the toxins that lie within him, I am deeply afraid that I am correct.

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