I smell a rat!

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I smell a big, pernicious, odious rat! This is because the GOP has done a “report” on why they didn’t have a red wave in the midterms. In this report, lots of things are mentioned, such as underestimating the impact of Roe and candidate quality.

But there was one glaring hole in the report — something that was not mentioned at all. Now what could that be? It is Donald John Trump — chief operating officer of insurrections. And this strikes me as foolhardy. Because Trump is not only a big part of why the GOP took such losses, he’s the whole core.

Everything the GOP did wrong can be traced back to the orange one. So it just seems incredible to me that in a report which is supposed to be an analysis of what they did wrong, they would not mention their biggest mistake.

The lack of Trump’s name in the document shows Republicans are still terrified of him. It’s a glaring omission. Trump, for all intents and purposes, IS the Republican party. He is their pyramid, their driving force — and though most of them despise him, they’re too babyish, too petrified to say so.

And this, of course, begs the question: how can Republicans be expected to stand against our enemies if they cannot stand against one orange traitor? How can they be expected to look Putin or another enemy in the eye and not back down or waver if they can’t even tell an American traitor to get lost?

The GOP’s document is a false document. It’s a rat that’s smelling up the party because they told the biggest untruth, the biggest fib. They neglected to be honest with each other — and themselves and tell the WHOLE truth.

And that is that they were brought down by the most evil of enemies — one of their very own. Until they say that out loud and acknowledge it, the document isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on.

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