Hillary Clinton’s latest election revelation is about to send Donald Trump into a tailspin

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Donald Trump is still so clearly spooked by having lost to Hillary Clinton by three million votes, and fearful of the inevitable confirmation that he only came that close by conspiring with Russia to rig the election, that he continues to obsessively attack her nearly a year after election day. Hillary’s re-emergence with a new book has sent him over the edge. Her latest revelation today is about to send him into a total tailspin.

Hillary Clinton’s book has merely documented the election from her point of view, and that alone has been enough to prompt Trump into a tweeting frenzy, including retweeting a video depicting himself carrying out a violent act against her with a golf ball. Now Hillary has given an interview to NPR in which she’s taken things much further (link). She was asked this question: “Would you completely rule out questioning the legitimacy of this election if we learn that the Russian interference in the election is even deeper than we know now?” Her answer: “No, I wouldn’t rule it out.”

She goes on to acknowledge what a number of legal and constitutional scholars have already spelled out: “I don’t know if there’s any legal constitutional way to do that.” So this is not a signal that she’s sitting at home and plotting a way to somehow get Trump thrown out of office and get herself rightly inserted. But she is making clear that once the evidence has been fully gathered by investigators, she’s willing to use whatever methods possible to underline the illegitimacy of Trump’s so-called victory.

Donald Trump is fairly well isolated from “real” news, instead preferring to binge-watch Fox News and read whatever propaganda articles his sons and advisers feed him, so it sometimes takes him a week or more to finally learn about new revelations like this. But once he does get word that Hillary is talking about the possibility challenging the legitimacy of the election, it’ll send him into a total tweet-raging tailspin.

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