Donald Trump goes berserk, tweets demented violent video of himself and Hillary Clinton

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Last night we reported that Donald Trump had scheduled a very brief visit to his Bedminster resort in New Jersey, and that he’d gone out of his way to make sure no one knew what he was doing while he was there (link). Based on what’s unfolded thus far this morning, it’s entirely possible that Trump orchestrated the entire thing just to get away from General John Kelly, so he could post a series of tweets so toxically awful that they came across as demented even by his standards.

Trump began with an utterly bizarre tweet in which he referred to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as “Rocket Man.” It was so far off the rails โ€“ even for him โ€“ that it led some Twitter users to seriously question if his account had been hacked. But then he kept going. He pushed the sentiment that only “true Americans” support him, suggesting that the rest of us aren’t really Americans. He bragged about how much money he’s worth to Twitter’s bottom line. But the incident that’s led the largest number of people shaking their heads involves a video he promoted of himself physically assaulting Hillary Clinton:

Someone with the Twitter username “Fuctupmind” (as if that wasn’t enough of a hint) posted a video of Donald Trump hitting a golf ball into the back of Hillary Clinton, who then fell to the ground. Astoundingly, Donald Trump retweeted this. Although the video was cartoonish in nature, it nonetheless depicted the person occupying the office of President of the United States physically assaulting his former campaign opponent โ€“ the same opponent he’s repeatedly threatened to throw into prison on phony charges.

Could it get even worse? Sure. By the end of his Twitter meltdown this morning, Donald Trump was reduced to retweeting his own tweets about “loser terrorists.” He even pinned one of them to the top of his page. Wait, who’s the Rocket Man?

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