Tennessee Republicans take it on the chin

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You know, I’ve seen a lot in politics. And much of what I’ve seen is pretty rotten stuff. But I must say I have never seen ANYTHING like what happened in Tennessee the other day. If the GOP had intentionally set out to sabotage themselves, they could not have done a better job.

The Tennessee House has now put itself on a national — heck, on an INTERNATIONAL — stage. The whole world witnessed their incompetence, evil, racism, and cruelty. This was led by Tennessee House Speaker, one Cameron Sexton, a man who is probably NOT smiling today.

This is because he has now become the most hated man in America. If one were to look at Sexton’s social media, one would not be surprised to see comments expressing anger, frustration, and outrage.

And Sexton likely knows he’s in trouble which is why he has not seemed to post anything new in the last couple of days. That, however, isn’t stopping some VERY pissed-off people from telling Sexton precisely what they think of him. For example, he posted on 4/3 this little nugget!

“We have heard the voices of the students, the protesters, and individuals from across the state.”

“We cannot allow the actions of the three members to distract us from protecting our children.”

This is seriously what the man posted. Now let’s see how Twitter is responding:

“resign in shame.”

“Liar, liar.”

“your words have no meaning.”

“pitiful desperate frightened racist.”

“You, sir, are a disgrace.”

“bigot, bigot, bigot.”

“This is your legacy now.”

“If anyone needs confession, it’s you.”

“This has to be the most dumb political move I’ve ever seen.”

‘This will haunt your next election.”

“Get your nose out of David Duke’s butt.”

“You called down the thunder, dude.”

“Hi. How’s your day going?”

“Buddy, you just sealed the GOP’s fate.”

“We see you.”

“Hoods are off.”

“Poll: should Sexton resign in disgrace?”

“laughing stock.”

“In way over your head, Sexton.”

“You took away the voices of people who voted. It’s now taxation without representation.”

“Own your bigotry.”

“I see you’re allergic to integrity.”

“Hypocrisy, they name Sexton.”

That isn’t even one percent of the comments. I imagine Sexton is no happy camper right now. And he shouldn’t be.

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