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TREASON: The offense of attempting to overthrow the government of one’s country or of assisting its enemies in war.

I write out this definition because I think many in Maga-verse do not understand the meaning of treason. Since Maga crawled out from their rocks and subjected this country to their stench of hatred and malice, we have heard increasing calls of treason from Maga.

We have heard these words directed to EVERYONE Maga does not agree with. Off the top of my head, those who stand accused of treason by Maga include:

Adam Schiff


Joe Biden

Kamala Harris

Robert Mueller

Merrick Garland

Chris Wray





Alvin Bragg

It is the last one I’d like to discuss. A trump rally-goer at the Waco rally demanded that DA Bragg be tried for treason. That is what led me to write this article because Maga won’t stop throwing this word around like a toy. And treason is a very serious charge.

But somehow, in the land of Maga, treason has lost its meaning. It now means: “jail for anybody maga disagrees with or doesn’t like.” Maga uses that word so carelessly that they need a history lesson as to what it means.

This same Waco wackadoodle is also wearing a shirt that says “Arrest Alvin Bragg.” It would be funny if it were not so tragic. Arrest him for what, Maga? They, indeed have taken leave of their senses. One does not go around arresting people for treason. One has to first to commit treason.

And the ONLY one in the Maga world that HAS DONE that is Donald John Trump. I do wish some these folks had a cult deprogrammer around them, someone who cares and has the knowledge and skills to deprogram these mewling children who can’t see the forest for the trees.

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