Donald Trump lashes out as it all falls apart for him

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I see the United States of America as a portrait. A giant-sized, reaching-to-the-sky portrait, tinged in wild beauty, the diverse and cultural beauty of millions. This portrait features the lushness of our rolling green countryside, of our glorious forests. It features the neon magnificence of our city streets, our enthralling seashell-covered beaches, our glowing mountains that reach ever so high.

It’s filled with people — millions of people, black, brown, white, tall, short, every culture, every sex, every religion, a nation of freedom, vitality, and greatness. And Donald Trump just said he hates this portrait. In perhaps what WOULD Be stunning comments to anyone who doesn’t know the dark soul of the traitor, trump (name not capitalized on purpose) announced America is the greatest threat of all. America! Us!

In a video, trump said Russia really isn’t that bad — not as great a threat as some of the citizens of our great portrait — this beautiful nation — land of the free, home of the brave.

“The greatest threat to western civilization today is not Russia,” the coward said. Then he proceeded to say the biggest threat was “some of the horrible USA-hating people that represent us.

Now keep in mind this happened at the same time the International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for Putin. It is pathetic. These comments will go down in history as some of the most treacherous. And we should all be very happy.

We should be happy because this warped creation of dark and putrid hate is about to be indicted. As vibrant and enchanting as our American portrait is, that is how dark and twisted our insurrectionist is.

Donald Trump is our mortal enemy. I will rejoice when his indictment comes. I will smile, and I will exhale a long breath and along with millions will whisper, “Finally.”

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