Donald Trump’s base explodes in anger at him

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Donald Trump, way down in the polls and running out of what little political capital he had, is desperately trying to shake things up by throwing the Democrats a bone on immigration. He’s in the process of caving on DACA, while essentially admitting that there’s no border wall to build. This is unlikely to gain him any support from the Resistance, but it’s causing his own base to turn against him in angry and striking fashion.

After having spent the entire campaign railing against DACA, and having taken a position against it as recently as ten days ago, Trump has now flip flopped on it. He tweeted “Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military? Really!” This prompted a number of, shall we say, less than enthusiastic responses from his own base.

Here’s a sampling of the responses that Trump’s base fired back at him on Twitter:

– “Your words are the antithesis of our beloved #Constitution (doc that makes Trump Commander-in-Chief); it is built on checking & 2nd guessing”

– “When we voted for you it was to save America, Not support illegal immigrants”

– “This is very simple. You do this, no enthusiastic supporters, your base splits, you lose and are despised by both sides.”

– “If you support DACA you will be a one term President”

Donald Trump spent the campaign backing himself into a corner by marrying himself to racist and xenophobic policies, and since taking office he’s been paying the price for it. His popularity has been historically low for a first year president. His only shot at expanding his support is to abandon his racist policies, which he’s been hesitant to do, for fear of turning his base against him. Now he’s finally desperate enough to enrage his base – yet mainstream Americans still see him as a racist.

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