Kevin McCarthy has a whole new problem, and it involves Mike Lindell

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There are times when I hear news about the republican party, that I feel a sense of deja vu. And remember all the cartoons I watched early in the morning as a kid. Now the republicans are not exactly Bugs Bunny or the Road Runner. And contrary to cartoons, we laugh AT the republicans, not with them.

But still – there is something about the GOP that reminds me of children — little children — spoiled beyond belief with no idea how to utilize critical thinking skills. And Kevin McCarthy is the biggest cartoon character of all. Kevin doesn’t appear to care that he’s looked on as little more than a morning’s entertainment.

And suffering succotash! Another gem of amazement has been added to the Kevin cartoon clown show: “You’ve been served.” Well — maybe not yet. But if the word of a particular man can be believed, Kevin soon will be.

This all has to do with pillows. A certain pillow maker is plenty mad at Kevin and is speaking out. Suppose you guessed Mike Lindell – congratulations! You are correct. Lindell keeps drifting back into the GOP storyline. Not content to slink away quietly into the night, he keeps coming back like a scuttling mouse, and republicans do not seem to like it one bit.

And now Lindell has announced plans to sue McCarthy. You just can’t make this shit up. Lindell told his pal Steve Bannon that he was furious that McCarthy dared give the January sixth footage to Tucker Carlson.

Lindell claims he is “injured” because Kevin didn’t give it to him. Lindell questioned angrily why just Fox gets to lay their hands on these hours. He wants to access it, too, darn it! And then he announced plans to sue.

You know what, readers? I’m on Lindell’s side on this. Kevin McCarthy should obviously not have done this. It’s beyond bad behavior. It’s appalling. Look — Mike Lindell is out of his mind, sure but he does have a point here, even if it isn’t for the reasons he thinks.

Nobody should have access to those tapes without agreement on both sides. Kevin McCarthy clearly did this to curry favor with a propaganda network. And it looks like his actions have resulted in more insanity for the failed Speaker.

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