Samuel Alito’s Extreme Court

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Watching President Biden’s speech, I was reminded of another time, another president and a supreme court justice. We all saw the warning signs when Samuel Alito openly heckled former President Obama. Now we expect this behavior from folks like Marjorie Taylor Greene. We do not expect it Supreme Court Justices.

And Samuel Alito is not just any extreme court justice. I firmly believe he is the worst among them and, yes, even worse than Clarence Thomas. And Alito’s hour has come — the witching hour is upon him. Alito’s name has been in the news repeatedly in the last few months. He cannot stop making headlines; none of them good.

For example, multiple sources have said that the security at the court is even worse than we expected. Many justices have reportedly been using “burn bags” to collect sensitive information. Perhaps they took a page from Donald Trump in that regard.

As reported, The Satanic Temple has opened an abortion clinic called “Samuel Alito’s’ mom.” Alito is accused of leaking the important Hobby Lobby decision, and many think he revealed the Roe decision as well. Sammy’s been defiant in public, talking more than any other Justice about how the people must respect him and the extreme court.

There are reports the court is not getting along. And Sammy’s name is being whispered as one of the reasons why. And let us not forget his love and reverence for all things witchy. The court has not found the leaker of the Roe decision and probably won’t. Or have they? Is it a republican? Are they covering something up?

Alito was not present at the state of the union address. But then, he has not been since he made a spectacle of himself heckling president Obama like the primitive baby he is. In short — Samuel Alito is the worst supreme court justice ever. We need to hold the senate in 2024. We also need to expand the court so Samuel Alito and his cronies have less power.

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