Donald Trump’s red pill

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I want to speak about the “red pill.” To do that, let me explain what the red pill actually is. The “red pill” and the ” blue pill” have their background in the popular film “The Matrix,” where rebel leader Morpheus offers a choice between taking the red pill or the blue pill.

The “red pill” has become quite popular in Maga culture. Maga often speaks of being “red-pilled.” And that is exactly what they want to do with us. I found this out when on Twitter. I accidentally found myself in a “matrix” of sorts- lost in a conversation between a rather large group of Maga who have a different take on us liberals.

Instead of the usual name-calling (woke, communists-you know — just the usual Maga stuff) they wanted to — gulp– help us. That’s right. This particular Maga group is aware they need new members of their movement — fresh meat. And who is better than liberals? “We have got to explain to them that Maga is not just about Trump. We love everybody.”

I watched silently with fascination as this group of people talked about interacting with liberals and convincing them to “take the red pill.” Well, it’s a change of strategy; I’ll give them that. These people seemed convinced that if liberals would give them a chance — if we just let them in and allowed them to speak their truth, we would become “red-pilled.”

“It’s not about Trump. It’s about saving the world.” You know what, readers? Reading these comments did not anger me. It made me sad. Because for this group, they seem to be honestly “red-pilled,” meaning they have drunk the cool aide. They belief.

And I hate to break it to them, but liberals have no interest in ingesting any red pill. We live happily in blue. We do that because we have core beliefs. And there is nothing Maga could say to change that. So beware if you find yourself in a social media corridor with smiling Magas who welcome you.

They might just be trying to “sell you on them.” I hope these people wake up one day. They don’t have to “take the blue pill.” I would, however, like it if any of them — heck, maybe even just one of them — could experience the glorious feeling of learning to think for oneself. Alas, I doubt this will happen anytime soon. For now, at least the red pill consumes them.

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