Nancy Pelosi is now in control of Donald Trump’s Twitter account

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Donald Trump has officially given up. It’s not just that he’s abandoned any hope of carrying out his original political agenda, or that he’s given up any hope of trying to survive his scandals in one piece. Now he’s even given up on being tweeter-in-chief. It’s been revealed that Trump has become so lifeless, he’s reduced to tweeting whatever Nancy Pelosi tells him to tweet.

This is a stunning new revelation from CNN, which reveals that Donald Trump’s recent Twitter post about DACA came at the behest of Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (link). She didn’t write the exact words for him, but she told him what to tweet about it. That tweet ended up saying “For all of those (DACA) that are concerned about your status during the 6 month period, you have nothing to worry about – No action!”

It reveals just how far behind the eight ball Trump is. He’s given up any hope of working with his own Republican Party, even though it holds the majority in Congress. Instead Trump is allowing himself to passively take marching orders from Democratic congressional leaders Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Why? He seems to be clinging to the feeble notion that if he gives them what they want on issues like DACA and the debt ceiling, just maybe the Democrats will warm up to him and save him from being ousted. But there’s no chance of that happening.

So now Donald Trump, who seems to be merely latching on to whoever or whatever allows him to make it to the end of the day, is willingly feeding himself to the lions on the other side of the aisle. Even he has to know that Pelosi and Schumer will eat him alive the first chance they get. But he’s so far down in the dumps that he’s willing to take advice from the enemy, simply because the enemy is temporarily being cordial to him. We’re now incredibly at the point where Nancy Pelosi is telling Donald Trump what to tweet – and he’s doing it.

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