The great Republican meltdown continues

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Blake Masters of Arizona is refusing to concede to Mark Kelly who won his reelection campaign. Congratulations, Senator Kelly! Instead, Masters is sulking, whining, and vowing to fight until every vote is counted.

At the time of this writing, Doug Mastriano has not conceded to Josh Shapiro, who won Pennsylvania’s Governor’s race. There is no hint he ever will. And this right here is why the GOP took such a bruising. People are tired of election denialism. They’re tired of republicans. They’re tired of the drama.

The GOP put up a perfect bunch of losers for these elections. I will agree with Mitch McConnell on this one thing. Candidate quality matters. It matters because, contrary to what Republicans appear to believe, the American people are not stupid.

The GOP seemed to think they could run every no-good, lowdown, dirty candidate walking the planet, and the American people would rush to the voting boxes to happily vote for these people. Why did they think that? What could possibly make them behave so darn stupidly?

It’s called delusions of grandeur. The GOP got carried away with itself. They started believing their own talking points. If one looks objectively at the shit show of candidates they put up, it would be hard not to shudder. These people had no business running for anything, even dog catchers.

Their beliefs are on the fringe. Their agenda is and was nothing but election denialism. And their ideas didn’t exist.

Candidate quality matters as the voters let it be known. But instead of learning any lessons, these motley bags of failures are still whining, still grumbling, and still trying to drive people apart. They represent the worst of the GOP. And for now, they appear to be all the GOP’s got.

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