Donald Trump’s panicked illiterate meltdown gives away just how badly things are falling apart for him

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An electron is “a negatively charged subatomic particle that can be either bound to an atom or free (not bound). An electron that is bound to an atom is one of the three primary types of particles within the atom — the other two are protons and neutrons.”

Donald Trump has not stopped raging about the electron being stolen. Like a child who pissed his diaper, he just goes on and on. Aren’t you enjoying this? I know I am. Of course, Trump is screaming about the midterms being stolen — when he’s not demanding credit for how well the midterms turned out.

I realize the paragraph above makes no sense whatsoever, but that’s trump for you. When has anything he’s ever done made a damn lick of sense? But what really stuck was Trump’s assertion that the electron was stolen. He was talking about Blake Masters, who lost his electron to Mark Kelly. And no, these “electrons” are not typos — not on my part, anyway.

“THEY STOLE THE ELECTRON FROM BLAKE MASTERS!!” Oh, dear. Obviously, Trump’s atoms exploded, and he said the wrong word. But it was still quite funny. And faster than one could say molecule, Twitter was on it.

“Electrons are quite important.”


“Where’s the mule?”

“Don’t you mean the molecule?”

“Did he keep the proton and the neutron, though?”

Poor Donald. Poor, poor little Donald. There is no evidence of a stolen electron that I can see. In fact, the electron went quite well for Democrats. Republicans? Not so much.

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