Good news

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A bit of good news days before an election never hurts. And there is excellent news from the state of Pennsylvania. TargetEarly is a political data dashboard for Democratic information. And they have found that more than 80,000 young people have already voted in the great state of Pennsylvania.

That would be voters between the ages of 18 to 29. Hallelujah people! Now if one were to compare these results to the numbers in 2018 we get stunning results. Because the data shows in the year 2018, only 28,500 voters of this age group did so.

This is really big news. I know many were worried about the youth turnout, and in Pennsylvania, at least, it looks to be outstanding. This same data shows that so far, democrats make up more than 80 percent of these targeted voters who have cast their votes so far.

We can’t get complacent though. We still need to run like we’re 10 points behind because that’s how we win! But it is always nice to have encouraging news, and this news is damn good!

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