Mike Pence just can’t help himself

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Mike Pence is a liar. And he is speaking out more and more though not in a good way. “The radical left believes that the freedom of religion is the freedom from religion,” Pence said recently during a Wednesday appearance on Fox Business.

And he said the First Amendment in the Constitution doesn’t give anyone protections against having “other peoples’ faiths forced upon them.” That is a lie. The founding fathers never intended to have religious fanaticism forced on anyone. Apparently, Mike Pence thinks otherwise.

People have died for our freedoms. And whether Pence likes it or not, that does include religion. Speaking to Larry Kudlow, Pence mused sadly on “the left’s” desire to scrap religion. That’s a lie — Mike Pence’s lie.

Pence added that the Supreme Court has a duty. And per Pence, that duty is to side with Christianity over any other faith. It’s their responsibility, Pence said. “I’m confident that we have a pro-religious freedom majority on the Supreme Court of the United States,” Pence said.

“Help is on the way,” he added. If there’s one thing that turns my stomach, it’s watching two smug Republican men mansplain to millions how they and their chosen religion are more superior to anyone else’s. It harkens back to times better left in the past.

And yet Mike Pence refuses to leave this stuff in the past. He recently spoke of his desire to make the whole country abortion-free. But help IS on the way in the form of us. We know that no religion is “better” than another. We refuse to turn back the clock. We do not want Mike Pence’s America.

For that is an America that isn’t really free. It is a dystopian America made up of smug Republican men who only wish to control everyone and everything around them. It is the America of our nightmares — the stuff seen in dystopian novels.

It is not an America the majority wants. So sorry, Mr. Pence. You’re never going to get your sterile, bleak country where people look the same, talk the same and think the same. Instead, you’re going to get OUR America.

And that America is a melting pot, a glorious country filled with the bold, the beautiful, the courageous. Different people of different cultures and stories coming together and allowed to look how they want, love whom they want, and think as they wish.

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