Herschel Walker’s double trouble

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Twelve-step programs can be enormously healing for people. The most famous twelve-step program is, of course, Alcoholics Anonymous.

But they’re not the only group around. It seems as if there is a 12-step program for almost everything.

People with anger issues can seek out “ea” — emotions anonymous.

There are Clutters Anonymous, Co-dependents Anonymous, Love addicts anonymous, Gamblers anonymous, and workaholics anonymous, to name a few.

But I want to propose a new one. It is one I did not see on the list, and I could think of one politician in particular for whom this service could prove really useful.

The program would be IA — Impregnators Anonymous.

And the first member could be Georgia republican Senate candidate Herscel Walker.

In what is becoming a regular occurrence, yet another woman has come forward to say Walker drove her to an abortion clinic.


This woman, identified only as “Jane Doe,” reportedly had a six-year affair with Mr. Walker.

She is being represented by famous attorney Gloria Allred who held a press conference to reveal some details of this relationship.

Allred played a recording of what was reported to be Walker’s voice leaving a message for this woman.

He had called from the 1992 Winter Olympics.

“I wanted to say I love you,” he tells the woman in this message.

When this woman allegedly became pregnant, she says Walker drove her to an abortion clinic.

OK — Let’s just call balls and strikes here. Mr. Walker, you have a problem. You actually have many problems, but you seemingly cannot stop impregnating women. At this point, one wonders — just how many more are there?

And that’s not even counting all the children he actually HAS.

And it isn’t like Walker is bringing up baby. There have been numerous accusations of how absent he’s been as a father. Perhaps he should concentrate on his kids.

Mr. Walker should drop out of the race and concentrate on — well — maybe taking a sex education class, including about safe sex.

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