These early voting numbers are stunning

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There’s a feeling in the air — a feeling of — excitement. That is because SOMETHING has come to the American people. It’s electrified them and stunned pundits everywhere. That something is early voting turnout. It’s breaking records.

Early voting is now underway in more than thirty states. And millions — many millions — have already cast their vote. It’s like riding a giant wave of euphoria. It’s EVERYWHERE.

As I write this, I can say that more than nine million people have cast their votes. And many states have gone over and beyond their past turnouts breaking records everywhere. In Georgia, there has been a stunning 150% increase in early voters from the same day four years ago. We’re hearing that North Carolina as well is breaking records. In Florida, more than 1 million early votes have been cast.

In terms of how people in these states are voting, over 2 million votes have been cast in person, while almost 7 million mail-in ballots have been returned. That number is growing as I write this.

This is great news. This shows momentum. It shows the voters are more than energized; they are feeling ELECTRIC.

Euphoria is in the air. This is the time to really plug into turnout and get the numbers up even more. Simply put — the higher the turnout, the better our changes. And so let’s see those numbers climb even higher.

The other piece of good news is that among the states reporting on these early votes, about fifty percent are from democrats and thirty percent from Republicans. Let’s get those numbers even higher. Let’s break more records.

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