Cutting through the crap the pundits are serving up about the Democrats’ midterm prospects

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I’m sure some of you have heard the unending doom and gloom outlook from certain pundits who seem hell-bent on making every midterm race competitive, forecasting bad news, and bringing down our democracy. They’re out there, all right. They are out there, airing their dirty laundry, trying with determination to destroy our confidence.

But good news is always welcome. So I point you towards this great article. It’s entitled “Is the 2022 Midterm Lost to dems?” And underneath: “Not if we ignore the pack-rat punditry and take a closer look.”

This is a must-read for anyone feeling even a little doom and gloom. Because it provides context, it tells the truth — something the pack-rat punditry has long since forgotten how to do. Here are a few high points from the article: For example, the New York Times/Sienna poll.
Every pundit was gleefully talking about it. This poll showed a 32-point swing by Independent women voters to the GOP. Yeah right. There are polls called “outliers.” That means that it is not a good poll. It’s a poll that shows different results than many of the others.

For example, if seven polls show Herschel Walker losing by three points, and one comes out showing him up by 20, that could likely be an outlier. And in this article, they talk about the Sienna poll. And how it undersampled women. Sampling is a vital aspect of polls, and if there is under-sampling going on, that could lead to shady results. And then there’s turnout.

So many pundits say the abortion issue has faded. This article states that it most certainly hasn’t, and I agree. And it points to the stunning turnouts we’ve had in other elections all year.
And it talks about early voting, particularly in Georgia, where we’re smashing it.

Democrats are voting in higher numbers. African Americans are turning out. This is no guarantee. I can’t promise we’ll win everything. But I CAN promise that many of these pack-rat pundits are lying to you. So don’t listen. Print this article and hang it on your fridge if you want. The bottom line is — whoever gets the turnout gets the spoils of victory. And it has got to be us.

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