Down goes Steve Bannon!

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Steve Crazy Bannon was sentenced to four months in prison. I think I can speak for all of us in wishing Mr. Bannon a very exciting time in the slammer. Perhaps he’ll make some new acquaintances. In any event, I am sure the king of scream-fests won’t lack company.

Eager to make a scene, Bannon, standing outside the courthouse, promised an appeal. But there was a tiny little problem. People had difficulty hearing him because Bannon was getting drowned out by the protesters. Poor Stevie.

“Fascist,” some protesters yelled at him. It was the least that Stevie deserved. But as Bannon soldiered on, his frustration in being heard became pretty evident. The protesters did not let up for a minute. And all the ruckus finally promoted a worn-looking, strident Bannon to say this:

“Can I go ahead and finish?” Don’t you love it? This is not a long sentence, but please remember the other way more severe charges against Bannon. Steve Bannon is now a casualty of Trump’s war.

He will go to prison. He will wear an orange jumpsuit. He will be confined, locked up and locked away, and he will be angry and bitter and blame every single human being, except his oh-so-miserable self. Happy travels, Steve Bannon.

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