Donald Trump is scared of his own shadow

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So this is what it took to get the bastard to shut up. All he had to do was face a tough decision that would cost him political points no matter which way he went with it. What, he thought this was going to be easy? Did he never stop to think about why presidents lose points off their approval rating? Now he’s running scared, afraid of his own shadow, afraid to speak, afraid to tweet, and – now it’s confirmed – afraid to show his face.

Donald Trump will not making the announcement tomorrow that he’s ending DACA on a six month delay. Instead he’ll be allowing his bona fide white supremacist Attorney General Jeff Sessions to handle the rollout (link). This comes after Trump has spent last night and today not tweeting anything about DACA, not even acknowledging that the issue exists, even as his decision has already leaked out to the media. He’s landed on such a cowardly compromise, purposely giving Congress the opportunity to preemptively reverse his decision just so he doesn’t have to own it one way or the other, he might as well be tweeting “Please don’t hurt me!”

There’s also buzz that Sessions essentially forced Trump into this decision by saying that he would refuse to defend DACA in court if Trump decided to continue it (link). Imagine that. Sessions is in such a weak position that just weeks ago, many thought he was in danger of getting fired. It turns out Trump is now so weak that even a lame duck Sessions can more or less blackmail him into doing his bidding.

Donald Trump has spent his entire failed time in office demonstrating that he’s a man of bluster, not a man of action. He’s said much and done nothing when it comes to North Korea, Afghanistan, and other difficult situations. He fired missiles at an empty base in Syria so he could pretend he was taking action. When it comes to DACA, not only is he too afraid of his own shadow to take any definitive action or ownership of the issue, he’s even too afraid to bluster about it.

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