It’s now clear where this is heading

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It should be obvious where things are headed with Donald Trump taking classified documents to his resort in Florida. The FBI knew Trump had documents in his possession to which he had no right, and they received a warrant to go and search. Sure enough, they found classified documents where they did not belong, and there were no attempts to even keep the documents secure. Bit by bit, evidence has been leaking out that point to Trump’s guilt, and we continue to find out more every day.

Washington Post released a shocker of sorts, indicating that an employee of Donald Trump is the one who told federal agents about Trump taking and hoarding documents that belonged in the National Archives. This eyewitness account led investigators to security-camera footage that not only confirmed the employee’s account but revealed Trump’s intent to hold onto the documents that he knew didn’t belong to him. Witnesses alleged that after Trump’s people received subpoenas requesting the documents, Trump had them moved to his residence, and the security-camera footage corroborated the witness accounts when it showed the boxes being moved.

When asked for comment, Taylor Budowich, Trump’s spokesman, brought up President Biden. By now, everyone knows that President Biden had nothing to do the FBI and DOJ’s investigation into Donald Trump. In fact, President Biden found out about the warrant just like the rest of us. Trump’s people, however, like to fan the flames of lunacy and lies because that’s what his supporters like, and they hang on every word, so it behooves them to continue to fan those flames to try to obfuscate their true depth of their treachery. They continue to cry “fake news” when every bit of this news has been true. It is almost sad that they have nothing else on which to stand. They can continue to cry “foul” all they like, but the DOJ has a witness. You better believe he or she is not going down for Trump. Indeed, Washington Post reported that the witness is “now considered a key part of the Mar-a-Lago investigation,” offering intimate details of how Trump directed his staff in evading the investigation and continued to refer to the documents as “my documents.” The man is nuts. It is doubtful that the DOJ is going to this trouble for no reason. Donald Trump is going to be indicted; it is only a matter of time.

MSNBC’s Alex Wagner spoke with Franklin Foer, a staff writer at The Atlantic who has previously interviewed Attorney General Merrick Garland. Foer believes an indictment is imminent for Donald Trump. Foer talked about Garland’s low-key nature and his methodical way of approaching issues. According to Foer, Garland seeks to reinstate the reputation of the DOJ, which was “tarnished” by the Trump administration. Garland, in the end, wants to see norms restored and our democracy protected, but most importantly, he firmly believes that no one is above the law-including Donald Trump. As a result, Foer believes it “inevitable” Garland will bring an indictment against Trump for his wrongdoings. We all wait in anticipation.

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