Trump stooge Tommy Tuberville is at it again

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It was indeed a sad day when Senator Doug Jones was defeated by moronic Alabama football fanatic Tommy Tuberville. This is because, in the case of Tommy Tuberville, the lights are off, and nobody’s been home for a very long time.

Since becoming a senator, Tommy boy has done precisely nothing to make the country a better place. He seems far more interested in talking about football than passing quality legislation.

And Tuberville appeared in the state of Nevada with his master Donald Trump where he got a bit carried away, to say the least. In front of a drooling, hate-spitting group of cheering Maga slime-bags, Tuberville said the quiet part out loud.

This is the thing that most, if not all, Republicans think about, the thing that most of them would probably love to say, to scream from the hills, if they felt they could get away with it.

Tommy was talking about crime, blaming Democrats for every criminal act, as is often the case with him and other Republicans.

But Tommy got a wee bit to excited in his hate-speech. And by so doing, he revealed who he REALLY thinks the criminals are.

“They want reparations,” he yelled to a cheering crowd.

“Because they think the people who do the crime are owed that.”

“Bullshit,” he added for good measure.

Tuberville has just done irreparable damage to the Republican party brand. You can bet that this comment will be played and played and played in Democratic commercials. What is Tommy, anyway, an idiot? The answer to that question is yes, he is. And it’s a pity.

Alabama needs so much help. The state is ranked 47th in education in this country. They also rank extremely low in personal wealth, healthcare, and many other important categories. They could use a senator with a brain. It appears the brain fairies decided to pass on giving any of them to Tuberville.

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