Another one of Donald Trump’s current attorneys bites the dust

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Back when Donald Trump was represented by attorneys like Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and Lin Wood, we’d mock Trump for finding such inept people. But that’s starting to feel like the good old days, given how much worse Trump’s current legal team has turned out to be – and they’re dropping like proverbial flies.

Trump’s lawyers have handled his classified documents scandal so poorly, one of them has been caught drafting a letter to the DOJ falsely claiming there were no such documents at Mar-a-Lago, and another one of them has been caught signing that letter. This means those two lawyers are now stuck trying to keep themselves from going to prison, and thus can’t be of much use to Trump in that regard.

Trump did recently hire one attorney, Chris Kise, who appeared to actually understand how things work. But now, after less than a month on the job, major news outlets are reporting that Kise is no longer in charge of Trump’s classified document scandal criminal defense. Trump’s legal team bet big on a special master stunt that went so poorly, it hardly bought Trump any time at all and merely backed him into a corner when it comes to his trial defense. Is Trump scapegoating Kise over this? Now that Trump is up against the wall, is Kise being punished for refusing to stick his own neck out like Trump’s other attorneys have? There’s no way to know for certain.

But what is clear is that even as Donald Trump finds himself in the kind of no-win legal situation where even the best of criminal defense teams would have a very difficult time keeping him out of prison, Trump is instead relying on the very worst of criminal defense teams. This might have worked back when Trump was President and had all the built-in legal protections that came with it. But these days Trump is just a private citizen who’s been busted having stolen classified nuclear secrets. He needs the very best people representing him, and instead he’s ensuring his legal team is a clown show.

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