The MAGA cult goes over the edge

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One thing that has irked me about the media is their lack of coverage of the “cult of Trump.” For that is what Maga is. And yet it seems it took many in the media forever to get here. Palmer Report was light years ahead. We’ve been calling Maga a cult for years. I have written articles comparing Maga to the Manson family and to the cult of Jim Jones. So have Palmer Report writers.

But it seems many media pundits shied away from the term “cult.” Perhaps it scared them. Perhaps many just did not want top go that far. But slowly, a subtle shift has taken place. I see more and more in the media finally acknowledging what Palmer Report has known for so long — Maga is a cult, and they’re dangerous.

The group that is Maga is virtually interchangeable with other cults we’ve seen through the years. Let’s take a look at some of the characteristics that define cults. There is usually present an overzealous loyalty to the cult “master.” The cult members treat the leader as above the ability to be wrong.

They do not question, and they don’t doubt. The group has an “us-versus-them mentality.” The group cuts ties with non-believers. I could go on. The fact is there is virtually no difference between Maga and any other cult.

Trump undoubtedly despises the members of his cult, but he also needs them to believe just as many cult wizards before him did. One of the biggest questions I see all over the internet is how could anybody look at Trump and not KNOW what he is.

I say it’s because their minds are silly putty. As the article I linked to says, “Trump isn’t after the rational people.”

Nobody could say the cult of Maga is rational. They’re deeply psychologically wounded people who are disaffected, feel cheated by life, let-down, and have long had rage festering in their hearts. And what they found in Trump was someone skilled at taking advantage of people, of grabbing hold of that rage and steering it toward a new outlet — America itself.

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