There’s something very wrong with Ron DeSantis

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Ron DeSantis is a goofball. You read that right. DeSantis is a whiny, ill-humored petulant little pipsqueak with the emotional IQ of a two-year-old though I should give two-year-olds more credit than that.

Let’s go back to the beginning. I want to talk about DeSantis and how we can beat him in November. This country — our country that we love so deeply has seen its share of pain and tragedy.

Growing up, one of my favorite songs was Janice Ian’s “Society’s child.” This song tells a haunting story of tragedy which I will not spoil for those who have not heard this song. But I will say it told of a society that I am confident in saying we, the people, — MOST of us — would not want to claim as ours.

Equality has been fought for, and many brave souls have sacrificed their lives to bring it to us And we can’t let equality fall by the wayside because of a goofball. Even as I write these words, Ron DeSantis is desperately trying to raise his political profile. It’s not working.

Because of his babyish and cruel stunt with the Migrants, his name is now a punchline. Of course, it started way before that. Over the last few years, DeSantis has resembled a cantankerous bag of wind.

Do you know what I did yesterday? I donated to Charlie Crist. Crist is running SUCH a grand campaign in the state of Florida. And he can win. I’ve said it before — Florida is purple, not red.

Do you KNOW how much fury DeSantis’s little stunt has caused? And do not forget some of his other stunts like trying to channel Tom Cruise in a commercial and failing miserably, making a laughing stock out of himself. We want Ron Gone. Remember that Ron is a:


The first letters of those four words spell GONE. So let’s concentrate on making sure Ron is gone. Donate to Charlie Crist. Phone bank for him. Send postcards on his behalf.

Any of you who live in the sunshine state have a candid conversation about the goofball DeSantis. Aren’t Floridians embarrassed? WHO would want such a man representing their state? So let’s say begone Ron. And make sure we put in the work to make that happen.

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