Mehmet Oz just stepped in it

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Where do I begin with Mehmet Oz? The man seems to have a scandal every week. Not that most in the media are talking about it. But Palmer Report is. And that is as it should be because you need to know about the snake oil salesman.

The media appears much more concerned about why John Fetterman won’t debate. Case in point: I was flipping stations today and caught a deeply concerned-looking anchor talking about what is wrong with Fetterman. (It was a supposed “liberal” network, by the way.)

The media is trying to mislead you — don’t fall for it. The reason Fetterman does not want to debate is that Oz has been regularly making fun of his stroke. I wouldn’t debate such a person, either. But the media, desperate for a horse race, is doing their best to spread fake news.

And they’re overlooking a lot with Mehmet. Mr. Oz, in a resurfaced clip, was caught saying incest among cousins was fine as long as said cousin is not your FIRST cousin. “Not a big problem,” said Mehmet.

It was what he said afterward that was the most repulsive. Oz then went on to wax poetic about pheromones. Mehmet explained that most people crave partners who are not like ourselves. He went on to use his daughters as examples.

“Girls don’t like their fathers’ smell,” he explained. “My daughters hate my smell.” TMI alert. Did we REALLY need to know this? The revolting comment was all over Twitter as people expressed that they had skipped dinner because they were feeling a bit queasy — I don’t blame them.

Mehmet may not have meant anything by it, but it was not something he should have said in the first place. And that is Mehemet’s biggest problem right there — the creepy factor. To put it bluntly — Mehmet Oz is creepy. He’s very, very creepy. I wish he were not, but he is, and I am far from the only person who thinks so.

The man cannot open his mouth without the creepy factor rearing its ugly head. Creepiness has attached itself to Mehmet, and people are noticing big time except the media, who pretends to be blissfully unaware. So please — donate to Fetterman. Sign up to help Fetterman. Do your best to keep the creepy factor that is Mehmet Oz away from Pennsylvania.

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