Even Fox News is hedging its bets

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An incredible thing has happened. A Fox Non-News pundit has done the right thing. Steve Doocy of Fox has implored Donald Trump to dial back the violent hate speak against law enforcement. It happened on Monday on the show: Fox and Friends.

Doocy said there had been many “specific” threats against FBI agents and others in our government: “So with all of these threats going around, it would ultimately be great if the former president, who has always been a great supporter of law enforcement, posed with a thousand police departments coast to coast, it would be great if he called for an end to the violent rhetoric against federal law enforcement and in particular, the FBI that was just doing its job.”

Great shout-out. It won’t happen. Trump is no more capable of doing good than Merrick Garland is of doing bad. Doocy tried this one time, and perhaps he will try again. But nothing will come of it.

Violence is all Trump knows. In a way, this is not much different than people begging Trump to stop the January 6 insurrection. He didn’t do it. He won’t lift a finger to call out the violence now.

For Trump IS violence. It, along with money, is the only thing he understands. This is because of his brain. It isn’t wired as most peoples are. Trump’s brain is wired for hate, sociopathy, and wickedness. It isn’t in him to think about morality. So many people still don’t get it. Perhaps when Trump is arrested, they might.

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