New trouble for Marco Rubio’s struggling reelection bid

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Good news. We want it, crave it, and are joyous when we get it. And the latest piece of good news will likely have you doing cartwheels. Marco Rubio’s reelection bid is in trouble. And not just a bit of trouble — big, bad, delicious trouble.

A new poll shows him tied with his challenger Val Demings. In this poll, done by Progress Florida and Florida Watch, the two are tied at 45%. Cartwheels incoming. Do you know what incredible news this is?

And I imagine Marco Rubio isn’t doing cartwheels. The Floridian non-Senator has put in very little work for his reelection campaign so far. I imagine he thought it would be easy. See, this is what they do. They make the same mistake over and over again. They ASSUME.

You know what they say about ass-umptions. Demings is as good a candidate as we could possibly have. Her backstory is amazing; she is an intelligent, educated, and compelling candidate, and right now, she’s giving little Rubio a run for his money.

So, please — let’s win this thing! Senator Rubio is one of the worst Senators ever to hold elected office. Can anyone think of one thing the man has done? One accomplishment? And there is another area of concern. If Rubio wins, he’d likely sign on to a national abortion ban. I do not trust him, and nobody should.

We saw the real Rubio when Chris Christie reduced him to a stuttering robot on national television. We saw it again when he was cornered by the Parkland survivors with whom he refused to work.

Marco Rubio can be beaten. Demings has been narrowing the gap for months. But help is needed because Rubio will likely go on the attack. He has to. He has no way of winning otherwise. He certainly can’t talk about his accomplishments since he doesn’t have any.

Donate to Demings or sign up to help her. Let’s win this thing! Then, in November, we can all do one long virtual cartwheel as we celebrate Florida’s newest Senator — Senator Val Demings.

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