Donald Trump’s latest shameful blight against the presidency

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t was a gorgeous day in New Jersey. The sun shone brightly, people were out and about, preparing for the LIV Golf tournament in Bedminster, and the former President was breaking federal law. That’s right. Donald Trump, relentless in his quest to find laws to violate, has found one all right — plastering the Presidential Seal in every nook and cranny of the Bedminster golf club.

According to multiple reports, the Presidential Seal is everywhere. It’s on towels. It’s hanging off golf bags. It’s tagging along for a ride on golf carts. It was found on the wall of a viewing room. Where will it pop up next — the refrigerator?

It is illegal to do this by Federal law. This fact appears not to matter to Trump because why would a no-good, good-for-nothing criminal give a hoot about violating ANY law? Violating this federal law could put a person at risk for a prison sentence of up to six months.

Trump has also been warned about this type of thing — because he’s done it before. As we all know, psychotic people rarely respond to nasty little things like laws and ethics. And hopefully, when Trump goes away, it will be for much longer than six months.

This golf tournament should never have happened in the first place. It’s a slap in the face to the families of 9/11 victims and not something most people welcome. In the meantime, the people at Trump’s golf club appear to be engaged in a game — find the Presidential seal. Where will it pop up next? How lovely if it would be prison.

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