Gretchen Whitmer is on a roll

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When it comes to elections and winning them, an often overlooked part of the puzzle are governors’ races, and those are now more important than ever with right wingers looking into ways they can evoke executive privileges for choosing electors in each state. We still aren’t sure how SCOTUS will rule on that case in the fall but either way, governors wield a significant amount of power.

For example, following the midterms under President Obama, a number of Republican governors deliberately worked to obstruct parts of his agenda from impacting their states despite being passed by both houses in Congress. This year, gubernatorial elections are happening in three pivotal states: Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

All three are somewhat blue tinged but crucial when it comes to winning the presidency – just as they were back in 2020 when Joe Biden won all three. A great deal of that will also depend on Democratic leadership within the state when it comes to progress happening and even the will of the people being heard in 2024. The good news is that Michigan has a solid leader in Gov. Gretchen Whitmer who is right now proving herself to be a valuable ally in the fight for reproductive rights.

The race has recently been switched from a Tossup by Cook Political Report to Lean Democrat – both because of Gov. Whitmer’s popularity and strong leadership but also because the Republican primary against her is a crowded field full of extremists vying for the former guy’s endorsement. The momentum is clearly on her side – with record fundraising numbers and support – so let’s do all we can to make sure Democrats keep the governorship of Michigan in 2022!

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