The missing pieces from Donald Trump’s January 7th speech

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Writing can tell us many things. And in this particular case, it is the EDITS that were made to the writing that tell the story. After the last hearing, Trump’s behavior is the talk of the town. And what ABC’s Johnathan Karl found is quite fascinating.

In the handwritten speech that Trump gave on the day after the insurrection — January 7 — there were various edits and words crossed out. And they give new meaning to “the writing on the wall.” You see, Trump appeared to cross out aspects of the written speech that referenced holding the insurrectionists accountable.

For example, there was a sentence that, in its original form, read: “If you broke the law, you belong in jail.” Not according to assolini, evidently as this was edited to read: “If you broke the law, you will pay.”

Here is another phrase that was completely blanked — crossed out: “I am directing the Department of Justice to ensure that all lawbreakers are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

With a mere flourish of a marker — this phrase was gone. You do understand why Trump did this, I’m sure. I wonder if some of his defenders do. Trump crossed out these remarks because HIS HEART LIES WITH THE TRAITORS. Trump sees them as reflections of his greatness.

If Trump, on January 7, could have shouted “I love you” to the insurrectionists, I have no doubt he’d have done it. They are creations of his, his own twisted Trump prodigies. They are Trump’s little monsters — his team — his squad of brutes. They’re the only people who understand him and know what he is — because they are exactly the same.

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