Steve Bannon has bonkers meltdown outside courthouse as his criminal trial goes poorly for him

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How sweet it is when the worst of the worst — the most wicked of the bad apples — shows their true colors. And for Steve Bannon — the king of evil — he showed his worst all right — he showed cowardice. And it was delicious to behold.

It was delightful because, like the coolest, freshest water, Bannon’s cowardice flowed freely — on the court steps for EVERYBODY to see. As you know, the trial of the traitor has begun. And the other day, with cowardice flowing through his veins on the court steps, Bannon became unhinged.

“This show trial they’re running is a disgrace,” he yelled as protesters of Bannon could be seen in the background. Quivering in anger, Bannon then unloaded on Bennie Thompson. Thompson is, of course, Chairman of the January 6 committee. And Bannon appeared to want a showdown with him.

“He didn’t have the guts to show up,” Bannon spat out furiously.

“I challenge Bennie Thomspn today,” he went on manically.

“To have the courage to come to this courthouse.”

“If he’s going to charge somebody with a crime, he’s got to be man enough to show up here. It is outrageous.”

Sigh. No, it isn’t Mr. Bannon. The fact is Bennie Thompson is at home after being diagnosed with Covid. I think that’s a good enough reason to stay away. And Thompson did not charge you — the Justice Department did. But even if Thompson were NOT sick, I doubt he’d have come. And why would he? Why would an intelligent individual desire to go to Steve Bannon’s trial?

The fact is Bannon is part of what I call the “fringe people.” He lives on the fringes, screams from the fringes, and does evil from the fringes. Bannon is a fringe man — outside of the mainstream. Nobody normal would ever want to be his friend because he’s insane. That’s just the way it is.

But it was rather lovely watching Bannon melt down like that. But I am telling him not to worry. As Franklin D Roosevelt said: “We have nothing to fear except fear itself.” So take his words to heart, Bannon — only in your case, there is one other little morsel to fear, and it’s coming straight for you — prison.

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