Matt Gaetz swings and misses

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Matt Gaetz is all over the news again — for the wrong reasons. A House Judiciary Committee hearing turned into a screaming fest with Matt Gaetz in the starring role. The discussion was about a bill sponsored by California Rep. Karen Bass on abortion rights.

Gaetz appeared to take issue with North Carolina Rep. Deborah Ross using the phrase “women’s reproductive freedom.” As the time ticked by, and discussion became more heated, Gaetz became more and more obnoxious until he unraveled entirely and began screaming and pounding the table. It was House theater — Gaetz style.

Gaetz was directing questions to Ross even though the bill in question was actually sponsored by Bass. Gaetz appeared particularly interested in whether the bill allowed incarcerated women to have abortions.

“Why don’t you ask me?” said Bass. And that would seem to make sense. After all — it’s her bill. Gaetz, however, persisted in ignoring her, drawing a rebuke from Ross, who asked him to direct questions to Bass.

Gaetz continued to ignore the request. He asked Ross what the phrase “unborn child” meant to her. It was one of the stupidest questions likely ever asked of anybody. Finally, Ross said she was finished with Gaetz. Gaetz then proceeded to go nuts. He claimed Bass was “covering” for Ross — whatever that means — and refused to recognize Bass.

In turn, Bass accused Gaetz — rightfully so, in my opinion — of not really being concerned with the discussion. Bass also said Gaetz was all about “theater.” And this is true. Gaetz is a walking, talking Republican actor. He doesn’t have opinions, he has bombastic diatribes just like this one.

Gaetz then accused Democrats of being in a rush to kill “unborn life.” And he started pounding the table no doubt hoping Fox non-news would see his stunt and invite him on for a guest appearance. The whole thing was ludicrous, but that’s Gaetz for you. There does not appear to be much of a brain there.

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