Jim Jordan’s new dumpster fire

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It’s time to call them all out. I’m referring to the despicable, pathetic garbage human beings who minimized and are continuing to minimize the rape of a ten-year-old girl.

As you know, the child in Ohio who was forced to go to another state to have an abortion after she was raped has been a huge news story. Only some people — mostly Republicans — have challenged whether this girl even existed.

Gym Jordan was particularly vile. Jordan, in a horrifying tweet that produced international outrage, questioned the existence of this girl with these words: “Another lie. Anyone surprised?” Pathetic. Jordan sparked fury with thousands of enraged responses.

And when it was proven that the child DID exist? Gym didn’t apologize. He simply deleted his tweet. But as you know, nothing on the internet dies. Tweets live forever, emblazoned in the memory banks of the social media site — and in the screenshots of brave keyboard warriors.

Given that Jordan has been accused of ignoring molestation claims at Ohio State University, one has to wonder — does Jordan even believe in rape? Does he know what it is? And would he care if he DID know?

The fact that a ten-year-old child has to PROVE she exists — guilty until proven innocent — is an outrage. What are we becoming? How close are we as we inch forward to a place we cannot come back from?

This is Gym Jordan’s America, where rape does not exist. This is Justice Samual Alito’s America — a man who would quote Salem Witch trial Judges. We cannot let America turn into this. We cannot fail our children like this. We cannot allow a bunch of smug, misogynistic, Stepford creeps play Judge and Just with women’s lives.

Only this child isn’t a woman. She’s a CHILD. She is a little girl — a baby, really — who was brutally assaulted and raped. Not that the GOP cares. The GOP is not Pro-life. They are anti-life. They are anti-women. They are anti-human decency.

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