Eric Trump suggests Donald Trump has to stay oblivious so he doesn’t get depressed and kill himself

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Since Donald Trump took office, his adult sons have seemingly been in a contest with each other to see who can say and do the most idiotic things. Donald Junior pulled into the lead when his secret Russia meeting emerged and he handled it in the dumbest way possible. But now Eric has made an off-hand comment about his father that’s so ignorant, tone-deaf and stupid, it may have put him right back in the lead.

Eric Trump appeared on the Joe Pags Show, which airs online on the iHeartRadio network. Eric proceeded to explain that politics is a dark and nasty cesspool, while conveniently leaving out the fact that his father has been one of the most viciously nasty people in modern U.S. politics. But this was just a garden variety instance of a son publicly defending his father’s indefensible action, until Eric decided to turn it into something else.

Eric Trump gave this quote from the interview, which has since been isolated by Raw Story: “If they weren’t talking about you, you wouldn’t be doing something right and it’s important to keep it in context, otherwise quite frankly you’d probably end up killing yourself out of depression” (link). Wait, what?

If this was just a glib remark or a joke on Eric Trump’s part, then it’s inapproprate considering the seriousness of depression and suicide – and it’s doubly inappropriate coming from the son of the person who is occupying the office of President of the United States. If on the other hand Eric is serious about this, then he’s essentially admitting that Donald Trump has to be kept oblivious to the mountain of negative coverage about him, because he’s so psychologically fragile that it might break him. In any case this is stunning and particularly ill timed remark from Eric Trump, who as always, would be better off not speaking at all.

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