Take that, Susan Collins!

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Lies. They’re pervasive, are they not? Lying has always been popular in politics. But it’s become much worse in recent years than ever before. It seems lying these days is effortless. And sometimes, one can’t tell either. Some politicians are really good at the art of the lie. For some politicians, lying appears to have taken over their psyches.

So in the spirit of the political fib, I’d like to point you toward a fascinating article from The Hill, written by Juan Williams. It’s titled: “Justices lied before Roe V Wade died.” and starts with this: “Here is a question for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and Sen. Susan Collins (R- Maine.). Which one of you is lying?”

I do so live powerful hooks. And this article got me. I do not believe it’s a question of which one. I believe it’s both. Yes, I think — and this is only my opinion — there are TWO lying hornets in the nest.

This article asks the question of Collins — and also of Manchin — how could they not have known. I believe they did know. Now we get to the tricky part — that conversation Collins likes to reference — where Kavanaugh promises not to overturn Roe — did it ever happen?

I believe it did. There is such a thing as “willful blindness.” And THAT is what I think Collins engaged in. She knew. She WANTED, in my opinion, to vote for Kavanaugh, from the start. Collins is not made of strong stuff. To have voted against Bret Kavanaugh would have cost her.

And there is all that money that she needed to run in Maine. We must not forget about that. But that does not mean the conversation never happened. And I think Collins knew — but just didn’t care.

Willful blindness is seen a great deal in politics. Willful blindness can be our ruin — because willful blindness always involves the art of the lie — it’s denial. It’s lying to oneself.

You will likely see a lot of willful blindness from undecided voters leading up to the midterms. Some will try to hide behind it — do not let them. Willful blindness always needs to be challenged because willful blindness is the greatest deceiver of all.

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