Plausible deniability

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There is no plausible deniability for Donald Trump. There is no doubt this was a historical hearing. And there is also no doubt that with this testimony, history has been preserved for eternity, to be studied through future generations.

It seems incredible; does it not that anyone could be shocked? I mean — we all know who this monster is. We’ve known for years. And yet some are indeed shocked. But I believe there is a reason why. People did not WANT to believe it. We speak so much of sociopaths — that it is easy to forget that most of us are NOT sociopaths.

And for those of us who are not — millions upon millions of us — our brains processed the day of January 6 in such a different way than Trump. We saw the pain and the hate and the violence — and we recoiled. For us, it was alien. For us, what we watched filled us with horror — and pain.

Eyes are windows to the soul, and most (normal) peoples’ eyes were vast weeping willows that day. We wept, shied away in horror, and yelled, “stop it.” “Just stop it.” Donald Trump did not yell, “stop it.”

The most horrific and repulsive testimony was about how Donald Trump enjoyed what he was seeing. And it appears he not only liked it but was also delighted by it. He wanted to be among his people, to mingle, to take part. He didn’t care they were armed because they were not there to hurt HIM. That is exactly what he said.

“I don’t fu##ing care that they have weapons. They’re not here to hurt ME.” Me, me, me, me, me. It is ALL about the “me” for Trump. He said it.

Denial is a thick emotion. It is a cocoon. Perhaps many Americans were, in fact, in denial. Maybe that is why so many fought against the tide — because many could not admit that a monster had sat his depraved person in the regal beauty of the White House.

But Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony leaves no room for doubt. And it was brave — so courageous — of her to testify. I will end this article where I began. Donald Trump is a monster. He ENJOYED — — and actively encouraged the insurrection. He has no plausible deniability here. None at all.

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