Read the room, Mike Pence

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Is Mike Pence TRYING to make the country despise him? Pence (sad case, insurrection party, Indiana) is making such a mess of things I am halfway convinced he must be self-sabotaging on purpose. The reason I say this is because nobody — nobody — could be that dense — could they?

The answer to that question is yes, they could. At least, they can if one is Mike Pence, it would appear. Pence is already hated by the cult of Maga reptiles. And he obviously still has Presidential ambitions. So would he not want to win SOME people — any people — over to his side?

Rhetorical question. If he does, he isn’t doing a very good job of it. Pence, on the day Roe fell, called for a national abortion ban. This was not good timing on the part of Pence, but when has Mike Pence ever been able to read the room, right?

Even most of the all too familiar Republican slime-bags had the good sense not to say that. They may be thinking it — they probably are — but they are wisely keeping their mouths shut. Not Mikey, though. Mikey likes it (to talk, that is.)

And he is talking about doing something that 90% of the American people don’t want. Is THAT how he plans to run his campaign? Because if it is, it will at the very least be entertaining. Democrats do not want that. Independents do not want that. Heck — even many Republicans don’t want that.

And even Donald Trump — the worst politician, the most evil of men — EVEN TRUMP — had the sense not to go on and on about a federal abortion ban when he ran, which shows you how clueless Pence is.

Pence has now likely alienated even the small group that might have been with him.. At this point, the Texas Chainsaw Killer could probably get more votes than him. Mike Pence really needs to get a get a grip, get a clue, and maybe get a new hobby. Because this Presidential thing isn’t really working out for him.

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