Jeffrey Clark and his people throw a fit after DOJ raids his home in Trump fake elector plot

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When the DOJ raided the home of former Trump DOJ official Jeffrey Clark over his role in Donald Trump’s fake elector criminal plot, it sent a message in more ways than one. Just to obtain such a warrant, the DOJ must already have had substantial evidence against Clark in hand – suggesting the DOJ’s probe is in an advanced stage.

Suffice it to say that Clark and his people were less than happy about the raid. The group that Clark works for put out a statement calling this a “new era of criminalizing politics” and falsely insisting that Clark was merely trying to “investigate voter fraud.”

This kind of histrionic response is not going to help Jeffrey Clark’s case. By now he should be realizing that he’s obviously going to end up criminally charged unless he cuts a cooperating plea deal against Donald Trump, and soon. Clark is clearly running out of time.

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