What does Ginni Thomas think she’s doing?

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After the January 6th Committee revealed yesterday that it has emails between Supreme Court spouse Ginni Thomas and 2020 election criminal John Eastman, committee chair Bennie Thompson announced today that he wants Thomas to testify. Now Thomas has announced that she indeed intends to testify.

Given that Ginni Thomas is now directly connected to the Trump-Eastman criminal plot, it’s nearly a given that the DOJ will be investigating her, if it isn’t already. If Thomas testifies to the committee, the DOJ can and will use it against her – so one would think Thomas would try to avoid testifying. If she refuses and the committee has to subpoena her, she’ll likely be able to drag it out in court for months.

Instead, Thomas is insisting she’s going to go through with testifying to the committee. This could just be posturing, and she could make up an excuse in a few days for why she doesn’t want to testify after all. But given that she’s an unhinged nut job whose worldview is based entirely in fictional conspiracy theories, it’s entirely possible that Thomas is so far gone, she honestly believes that testifying about her delusions will somehow vindicate her. If so, bring it on.

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