Donald Trump is too senile to even know the walls are closing in on him

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Today should have been the big one. Donald Trump should have been on Twitter and screaming at the top of his lungs about, well, anything. Trump could have tweeted that he hates puppies today, and it would have been a better strategy than the one he chose, which was silence. And so, after he spent months desperately stirring up various controversies to distract from Russia scandal bombshells, on this day he said nothing at all – and revealed he’s now too senile to even know what’s hitting him.

We’ve all watched the quiet but steady regression of Trump’s mental faculties since taking office. He gets confused and wanders off, repeatedly. He rarely has any idea what’s going on. When he occasionally gives speeches, they’re so incoherent and off the rails that even his own staff hold their breath. And whenever someone criticizes Trump, it now often takes him a week or more to fire back on Twitter, because he’s just that cut off from what’s going on around him. And then there was today.

Late last night the first bombshell went off revealing that Donald Trump was trying to build a Trump Tower in Moscow during the election. This morning Trump said nothing. This afternoon the second bombshell revealed that his own business partner said the construction project would get Trump elected president. Trump still said nothing. Then came the third bombshell that Trump’s attorney had asked Vladimir Putin for help with the project, and that Trump himself had signed a letter of intent to build it. Around that time Trump was on television, claiming that he pardoned Joe Arpaio during a hurricane because it brought him the best ratings.

It’s not just that Donald Trump is saying incoherent and objectively embarrassing things about pardons and television ratings. It’s that he’s still focused on that story days later, when the outside world has moved on to these Russia bombshells that could finish him off. Yet he’s not even bothering to try to fend it off or distract from it. Does he understand how much trouble he’s in today? Is he even aware that today’s reports exist? How cut off from reality is he? How little is left of his mind that, on this day of all days, he isn’t even trying to fight back? Has he given up all hope, or has his failing mind simply given up on him?

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