The ultimate Trump takedown

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The House Select Committee’s focus is now on Donald Trump, as it should be. As Huffington Post reported, Trump knew full well that he lost the election and that he did so not because of fraud but because he had worn out his welcome. That’s the way elections work in this country, but let’s be honest: Trump has never gone along with the way things work. His attempts to subvert democracy began long before January 6. Trump never wanted to be president; he wanted to be emperor, a dictator, the supreme ruler-take your pick; all are applicable. The man is so drunk on his own power that it’s a wonder he can stand up straight. Monday’s hearing was led primarily by Zoe Lofgren of California, who elicited testimony from Trump aides that he knew his claims were false, but he proceeded with them despite the truth. Trump sought ultimate power, and that is the only reason he even ran for president.

Bill Stepien did not appear at Monday’s hearing because his wife reportedly went into labor. The committee showed video of his earlier testimony wherein he admitted that Trump knew his lies were lies. “He thought I was wrong. He told me so-that he was going to go in a different direction.” Yes, he did. He went in the direction he always took-create chaos and wreak havoc, and perhaps, no one will notice what he’s really doing. Unfortunately, those who chose to ignore Trump’s behavior continued to do so, and those who chose to believe him ransacked the Capitol. To make matters worse for Trump, William Barr’s testimony was extremely damaging.

In addition to calling Trump’s claims “idiotic,” Barr pointed out that Trump did better in Detroit in 2020 than he did in 2016, yet Trump claimed Detroit was “a hotbed of voter fraud.” Yeah, he said that in every predominantly Black area of the country, regardless of the vote count. He made the same claim of Fulton County, Georgia. Did Trump seriously think he had even an iota of the Black vote? Other than brainwashed Blacks, all saw Trump for what he is: a racist. Why in the world would Black people vote for a racist? People are good about voting against their interests, but Blacks voting for racists is not one of those interests. Barr took things one step further, however, as he analyzed Trump’s numbers: “Generally, he was a weak element on the Republican ticket.” Barr is not the only Republican who gets that.

Britt Hume of Fox “News” believes that Republicans are secretly happy that the hearings are dismantling Donald Trump HuffPost reported. Speaking with Hume, Bret Baier said: “I think a great many Republicans think they can’t win with Trump at the head of the ticket again.” This belief should really come as no surprise; however, Trump’s presence has irrevocably harmed the Republican party, and they must do a lot more than just get rid of Trump to come back. Either way, the most important thing is to get rid of Donald Trump once and for all, and the Committee is doing its damndest to make that happen.

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