This is just embarrassing for Fox News

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President Biden’s speech on gun safety was fantastic. At least this writer thinks so. In fact, most people seem to feel the same way — except for a small clique of morose people who appear to be lost in the wind of Biden’s speech.

Fox non-news has decked their toxic walls in negative coverage since the speech. No surprise there. They’re propaganda and nothing more than that. The Fox pundits are doing what they are told to do.

But Fox non-news Mollie Hemingway took things to an absurd level by actually suggesting President Biden be impeached – over his speech. “An impeachable offense.” This is what she called it.

The fact that Hemingway even said these words should be enough to ensure she never works again in television. But alas! This is FOX we’re talking about. So, of course, they treated these words as business as usual.

Hemingway made these remarks on the show of Jesse Watters. “He showed that this was, for him. a partisan political approach,” Hemingway said. “Do something is not a serious policy.”

I submit that Hemingway is not a serious human being. But this WOULD be interesting were it ever to play out. “Let’s impeach the President for wanting to save the children!” Could the GOP ever get in line behind a talking point like this? This writer believes they could. After all, they have indeed shown that anything goes.

But Hemingway was not done insulting the intelligence of the American people. She then went on to label anyone who wants to see gun safety legislation as “simple-minded.”

“I think it’s comforting for simple-minded people to think that restricting the natural right to keep and bear arms would solve all of our problems, that destroying the Constitution would solve our problems.”

Really? Where in the constitution does it say, “There shall be no safety when it comes to having guns?” Anybody? Have YOU seen this in the Constitution? Look — the closer we get to achieving SOMETHING on gun reform, the louder Fox will squawk in indignation. The bottom line is –most of the pundits on Fox do not give a damn about the children, and they remind us of that fact — day after day after day.

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