So much for Mike Lindell

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Lunacy! That’s what Republican Liz Cheney is saying about Mike Lindell. Lindell of MyPillow fame is now accusing the state of Wyoming of having engaged in voter fraud. Just another day on the Lindell reality show. As you know, Lindell is — well — a lunatic. And he appears to be getting worse — not better.

“Thousands of votes.” That is what Lindell is saying was stolen from Wyoming. Thousands of votes. Lindell offered these loony words up while appearing at — where else — a Trump rally in — where else — Wyoming.

Well — OK. My question is: where are they? Let’s approach this with all the solemnity Lindell deserves. Trump won Wyoming. In fact, every Republican has won Wyoming lately. Why?? Because Democrats are not much of a thing in Wyoming. It is just not happening for the Democrats there.

So – this begs the question. Where have the missing votes gone? Perhaps they decided to take a much-needed vacation? Could that be it? But one person isn’t letting Lindell get away with his lunacy. That would be Liz Cheney.

The Wyoming Republican, who has been known to verbally destroy mightier mortals than Lindell in just a few words, was short and succinct on Lindell. “We have a name for this in Wyoming. Lunacy,” Cheney said.

And Cheney’s campaign manager Tammy Hooper seems to agree as she too spoke out, saying Lindell is “an unhinged wacko.” But Lindell appears to be dug in, saying to the Cowboy State Daily, “Wyoming had 20-some thousand votes stole in the presidential election.”

“Everything was taken,” the madman insisted. People of Wyoming — if you’re listening — it falls upon you to call out this dangerous narrative. It really does appear that for some in the GOP, they have caught “the stolen election disease.” What’s that? It’s something this writer made up. But there do appear to be symptoms, yes?

Lately, so many Republicans are just randomly accusing others of stealing elections — accusing, in some cases, Republicans, accusing some in red states. It’s like an evil and malevolent computer virus has taken them over! You’ve seen horror movies like that, I’m sure.

Perhaps the GOP simply can’t help themselves. But they’re in luck. I have the cure — it’s called — honesty. Alas, somehow, this writer doubts they would have an interest in taking it.

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